
How Visibility Drives Success in Aftermarket Spare Parts Using The 4D Strategy

John Doe
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5 min read
How Visibility Drives Success in Aftermarket Spare Parts Using The 4D Strategy

Picture this: A motorbike enthusiast is stuck at home, his vehicle gathering dust because he can't find a crucial spare part. The service centers he contacts refuse to sell the part directly, insisting on expensive repair services instead. 

Meanwhile, online retailers either don't have the part in stock or are charging a premium that feels more like extortion than fair pricing. Frustrated, he starts piecing together the part from multiple sources, but the delays and costs keep piling up.

This scenario is far too common in the aftermarket spare parts industry, where a lack of visibility into inventory levels, supply chain bottlenecks, and fluctuating demand creates significant challenges. These visibility gaps not only frustrate customers but also lead to missed sales opportunities, damaged reputations, and stunted revenue growth for businesses.

For supply chain managers and executives, the question isn’t just about fixing these visibility issues—it's about leveraging them as opportunities. How can improved visibility transform this challenge into a strategic advantage, ensuring that your supply chain not only meets but exceeds customer expectations?

Let’s break this down!

Industry context 

As vehicles, both traditional and electric, continue to advance, the demand for reliable, accessible spare parts grows in tandem. Supply chain visibility, or the ability to track parts from production to delivery, has emerged as a linchpin in maintaining the industry's efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

However, this visibility is often challenged by disruptions and inefficiencies, which can ripple through the entire supply chain, affecting everything from repair timelines to customer trust. 

Understanding the current state of the industry, particularly in the context of India's unique market dynamics, is essential for stakeholders aiming to navigate these complexities and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

1. Spare parts availability and regulatory gaps

The rapid adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in India, while promising in its potential to reduce environmental impact, is fraught with challenges, particularly concerning the availability of batteries and spare parts. 

As the technology behind EVs evolves swiftly, certain battery models and vehicle components risk becoming obsolete, raising significant concerns for consumers. 

Unlike the U.S., where regulatory frameworks ensure that parts for EVs are available for at least a decade after a model's release, India lacks such mandates. 

This absence of regulation leaves Indian consumers vulnerable to substantial financial losses and the possibility of owning vehicles that cannot be maintained due to the unavailability of essential parts.

These challenges extend beyond individual consumers, affecting the broader aftermarket sales ecosystem. When spare parts are hard to come by, customer satisfaction plummets, and the aftermarket industry, which relies on the regular availability of components for repair and maintenance, faces disruptions. 

2. Implications of global supply chain disruptions

The auto spare parts industry does not operate in isolation; it is deeply intertwined with global supply chains that have been under severe strain in recent years. 

The ongoing auto parts shortage, driven by factors such as widespread supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, has had a profound effect on the industry worldwide. 

Essential components, especially microchips, have become particularly scarce, leading to widespread backorders, price hikes, and significant delays in both vehicle repairs and production.

In the context of India, these global challenges manifest in delayed vehicle repairs and increased costs for both consumers and businesses. The scarcity of parts forces many to seek alternative solutions, such as used or refurbished components, which, while cost-effective, may not always meet the desired quality standards. 

The shift towards alternative sourcing methods, combined with improved supply chain visibility, will be crucial in navigating these turbulent times.

3. Technological innovations are the next step

Manufacturers globally are increasingly relying on technology to tackle challenges in spare parts management, enhancing availability, reducing lead times, and improving service quality. 

In the UK, for instance, ERIKS' report on the Maintenance, Repair, and Operational (MRO) supply chain reveals that over 50% of manufacturers face significant downtime due to the unavailability of spare parts. 

This downtime results in substantial financial losses and operational inefficiencies, particularly in high-stakes industries like pharmaceuticals. 

While this report is UK-specific, it underscores the critical need for better management of manufacturing stores, refined procurement practices, and a shift from reactive to preventive maintenance.

In India, similar challenges persist, where downtime due to parts unavailability can severely impact fleet efficiency. Technology is what you need to significantly improve supply chain visibility.

4. Market growth and untapped potential in the auto components sector

ACMA’s FY2024/FY2023 Auto Components Industry’s Performance Review highlights robust growth across various segments of the industry, reflecting a multifaceted expansion. 

ACMA Market Growth figures

These figures suggest a thriving industry with substantial untapped potential, especially in the aftermarket segment, which already enjoys better margins compared to other sectors. 

However, you need to look at this differently. 

The aftermarket segment, in particular, shows significant promise with the highest growth rate (10%), underscoring its potential for profitability despite existing bottlenecks.

Imagine what the growth rates would look like if all these bottlenecks and disruptions were eliminated systematically. This would not only improve the top line but also push their profitability.

As India aspires to establish itself as a global manufacturing hub, addressing these challenges is essential for achieving sustained, year-on-year growth that will propel the industry forward.

Industry challenges

The auto spare parts and aftermarket industry is grappling with several critical challenges that directly impact its growth and profitability. From downtime issues to labor shortages and inventory management woes, these challenges hinder operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, necessitating strategic interventions to drive industry resilience.

1. Downtime and Turnaround Time (TAT) challenges

In the commercial vehicle segment, the availability of spare parts is directly tied to vehicle downtime and turnaround time (TAT) in repair workshops. 

For fleet owners, each day a truck remains out of service due to the unavailability of parts translates to significant financial losses, ranging from ₹5,000 to ₹12,000 per day depending on the type of project. 

These delays are not just costly but also disrupt project timelines, strain customer relationships, and lead to revenue losses. On average, the TAT for repairs in India’s commercial vehicle segment spans anywhere between 3 to 10 days

This extended downtime underscores the critical need for efficient spare parts management systems that can minimize delays and ensure that vehicles are back on the road as quickly as possible.

2. Labor shortages and workforce constraints

Labor shortages continue to pose a significant challenge to the auto spare parts industry, particularly in servicing and maintaining vehicles. 

Although recent data from R2C shows improvements, with average days off-road due to parts shortages decreasing from 16 days in 2022 to 11 days in 2023, the situation is far from ideal. Even with these improvements, the time vehicles spend off-road remains a major concern. 

The decrease in delays caused by technician shortages—from 16 days in 2022 to 14 days in 2023—also highlights progress, but it’s clear that these reductions are still insufficient to meet industry standards. 

The ongoing struggle to find skilled labor lengthens these delays, leading to further inefficiencies in parts management and service delivery. 

To address this, the industry must explore alternative solutions, such as enhanced daily vehicle inspections and preventive maintenance, to reduce the reliance on reactive repairs and mitigate the impact of labor shortages.

3. Parts sourcing and inventory management

Sourcing spare parts during shortages is a daunting challenge that directly affects the industry’s ability to maintain operational efficiency. 

The complexities of managing inventory during times of scarcity are exacerbated by unpredictable demand and the global supply chain disruptions witnessed in recent years. Effective inventory management is crucial in ensuring that the right parts are available at the right time. 

E-commerce platforms like MyPlace4Parts have revolutionized this aspect by providing 24/7 access to essential components, thereby reducing repair times and improving overall service quality. However, these advancements also highlight the need for continuous improvement in stock management practices. 

Manufacturers must adopt proactive strategies, leveraging technology to predict demand patterns, optimize inventory levels, and streamline the sourcing process to mitigate the risks associated with parts unavailability.

The true impact of visibility in the aftermarket supply chain

To understand the role and importance of visibility in the auto spare parts supply chain, we analyzed communications from 4 prominent auto ancillary organizations - Amara Raja, Uno Minda, Endurance, and Exide. 

Here are the visualizations of the text and word frequency analysis that reveal key areas of focus:

Frequency of specific terms in annual reports

(Generated using GPT4 - input as annual reports of the organizations mentioned above)

Total frequency of specific terms across organizations

(Generated using GPT4 - input as annual reports of the organizations mentioned above)

From the data, we derive the following insights:

  • Customers: The term 'Customers' appeared most frequently, indicating a strong emphasis on customer expansion, satisfaction, and service levels. Companies are highly focused on customer satisfaction and market expansion, which directly relates to their distribution and logistics operations. 
  • Risk: The term 'Risk' was the 2nd highest frequency, reflecting concerns about supply chain vulnerabilities and uncertainties. The emphasis on 'Risk' highlights the need for effective management of supply chain uncertainties.

Distribution, logistics, and transportation were mentioned less frequently but are integral to understanding the full picture.

Using the insights from the frequency analysis, we created a cause-and-effect diagram to illustrate the impact of visibility on the supply chain:

Cause and effect diagram to illustrate the impact of visibility on the supply chain

Key relationships:

Customer Expansion and Distribution Network Expansion:

For more customers, three key scenarios lead to a high disruption probability if left unchecked.

  • More Customers ➡️ Distribution Network Expansion ➡️ Higher Inventory Costs ➡️ Higher Disruption Probability

  • More Customers ➡️ Distribution Network Expansion ➡️ Expanded Market and Regional Reach ➡️ Higher Logistics Costs ➡️ Higher Disruption Probability

  • More Customers ➡️ Distribution Network Expansion ➡️ Longer Time-to-Serve ➡️ Higher Disruption Probability

Environmental Impact:

  • More Customers ➡️ Distribution Network Expansion ➡️ Higher Emissions

To address the challenges highlighted in the diagram, it is very evident from the chart that Robust Visibility is the key.

Robust visibility is key

Additionally, you’ll notice an offshoot in the loop wherein a Resilient Supply Chain demands Flexibility and Demand Responsiveness, which involves understanding Existing Distribution Network Throughput. This continuous feedback loop enhances visibility and further drives higher aftermarket sales.

* * *

The analysis and subsequent cause-and-effect diagram highlight that robust visibility is essential for mitigating disruptions in the supply chain. By focusing on real-time data and ensuring a resilient supply chain, companies can improve their service delivery, manage risks more effectively, and ultimately enhance aftermarket sales. 

With customers at the heart of this process, visibility becomes a crucial factor in achieving sustainable growth and operational excellence in the auto spare parts industry.

The 5Ls of Losses

To bridge our earlier discussions on visibility and its impact on the auto spare parts supply chain, we need to discuss the 5Ls of Losses.

This framework highlights the various ways in which poor visibility and availability of spare parts can negatively affect the aftermarket industry. 

By understanding these losses, companies can better appreciate the critical need for enhanced visibility and proactive supply chain management.

The 5 Ls of Losses

1. Lost Sales

In the aftermarket supply chain, the inability to meet customer demand due to unavailable spare parts results in immediate revenue loss. When customers cannot find the parts they need, they may delay repairs or seek alternatives from competitors, directly impacting sales figures.

Lost sales are particularly detrimental in an industry where timely parts availability can significantly influence revenue. This issue is compounded in sectors with high demand variability, where maintaining optimal stock levels is crucial for meeting customer needs and maximizing sales opportunities.

2. Lost Time

Lost time has a cascading effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. For example, if a fleet operator experiences prolonged vehicle downtime due to parts unavailability, it disrupts their operations and affects their bottom line. 

Delays in sourcing spare parts increase downtime for customers' vehicles, leading to reduced satisfaction and loyalty. Extended repair times not only inconvenience customers but also diminish their overall experience with the service provider.

3. Lost Customers

Customer retention is a critical aspect of sustaining business growth. In the competitive auto spare parts market, consistently failing to meet customer expectations can drive them away.

Frustrated customers who experience frequent stockouts or delays may switch to competitors who offer better parts availability. This shift results in long-term revenue loss as acquiring new customers is often more costly than retaining existing ones.

For example, if a repair shop frequently runs out of essential parts, customers might choose a competitor with more reliable inventory management, leading to a loss of a steady revenue stream and potential negative word-of-mouth.

4. Lost Trust

Frequent stockouts or delays erode trust between customers, distributors, and the brand. Trust is essential for building strong relationships and ensuring repeat business.

Trust plays a vital role in customer loyalty and distributor partnerships. Regular stockouts and unreliable service can damage a brand's reputation. 

If an auto parts supplier consistently fails to deliver on time, both customers and distributors may lose confidence in the brand's reliability, which can lead to diminished business relationships and future sales opportunities.

5. Lost Efficiency

Lost efficiency manifests in various ways, including higher holding costs for excess inventory and missed sales opportunities due to stockouts. Inefficient supply chain operations, such as overstocking some parts while understocking others result in increased costs and reduced profitability. 

Proper inventory management is crucial to balance supply and demand and avoid unnecessary expenses. 

For example, overstocking slow-moving parts ties up capital and storage space, while understocking fast-moving parts results in missed sales and customer dissatisfaction.

The 4D strategy for enhanced aftermarket visibility

In our exploration of the impact of visibility on the auto spare parts supply chain, we've established how crucial it is for improving operational efficiency and boosting aftermarket sales. 

Now, let's get into a strategic framework designed to leverage visibility effectively - the 4D Strategy: Discover, Design, Deliver, and Delight. This approach aims to enhance aftermarket visibility, delight customers, and empower distributors, ensuring a more resilient and profitable supply chain.

The 4D strategy for enhanced aftermarket visibility

1. Discover: Identifying Key Opportunities for Visibility

  • Customer insights: Gather detailed information on customer needs and challenges, such as common delays in spare parts delivery or difficulties in locating specific components. This helps in tailoring visibility solutions to address these pain points.
  • Distributor insights: Analyze where distributors face visibility issues, including real-time inventory levels, order tracking, and demand forecasting. Identify specific areas where improvements can enhance their operational efficiency.
  • Visibility gaps: Conduct a thorough assessment to pinpoint gaps in the current visibility across the supply chain. Discover opportunities to address these gaps, improving both customer satisfaction and distributor performance.

2. Design: Crafting a Visibility-Driven Strategy

  • Technology integration: Develop a visibility strategy using advanced technologies such as real-time tracking systems and data analytics. This provides actionable insights and enhances transparency across the supply chain.
  • Collaborative tools: Create or refine tools that enable both customers and distributors to access up-to-date information on inventory, shipping status, and demand forecasts. These tools should facilitate smooth and informed decision-making.
  • Customer and distributor interface: Design user-friendly interfaces that offer clear, real-time updates on spare parts and components. Ensure these interfaces are accessible and intuitive for both customers and distributors.

3. Deliver: Implementing Visibility Enhancements

  • Visibility rollout: Deploy the chosen visibility tools and technologies across the supply chain, ensuring real-time information is accessible to both customers and distributors. This includes integrating tracking systems and updating inventory management solutions.
  • Training and support: Provide thorough training for distributors on using new visibility tools. Offer ongoing support to address any issues and ensure effective utilization, enhancing their ability to manage operations and customer interactions.
  • Customer experience enhancement: Focus on improving the customer experience by offering real-time updates on order status, availability, and delivery timelines. Ensure transparency and prompt communication to build trust and satisfaction.

4. Delight: Exceeding Expectations for Growth

  • Continuous improvement: Regularly evaluate the visibility strategy’s effectiveness and make adjustments based on feedback from customers and distributors. Address any identified gaps to enhance the strategy continually.
  • Customer engagement: Maintain engagement with customers after sales to ensure satisfaction. Use feedback to refine services and introduce loyalty programs or incentives to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Distributor empowerment: Strengthen relationships with distributors by providing advanced tools and data for better operational efficiency. Support them in reducing lead times and improving service levels, contributing to mutual growth and success.

With these pieces in place, the complete 4D strategy flowchart would look like this.

4D strategy flowchart

The 4D strategy offers a systematic approach to enhancing visibility in the aftermarket supply chain. By identifying visibility gaps, crafting a targeted strategy, implementing it effectively, and continuously refining it, this approach drives revenue growth, boosts customer satisfaction, and empowers distributors. 

It ensures that both customers and distributors have the tools and insights needed to excel, ultimately leading to a more resilient and efficient supply chain.

In addition to this, there are two key areas you should focus on to build a robust spare parts supply network: 

  • The criticality of spare parts, 
  • Their visibility in the supply chain.
Key focus areas to build a robust spare parts supply network

By aligning these factors, you can enhance customer satisfaction and gain a competitive edge.

Mitigating aftermarket supply chain risks through enhanced visibility with FreightFox

In a quickly evolving landscape that is the aftermarket supply chain, the quest for enhanced visibility is necessary. As we've explored, the gaps in visibility and availability pose significant challenges, from lost sales and customer trust to inefficiencies and higher operational costs. 

Addressing these issues head-on requires more than just incremental improvements; it demands a holistic, forward-thinking approach that transforms how visibility is integrated into every facet of the supply chain.

As a leading TMS platform, FreightFox excels in delivering the real-time visibility essential for modern supply chain management. Our platform provides comprehensive insights into your goods and components, allowing you to manage time risks, value risks, and operational disruptions with precision. 

By leveraging FreightFox, you can proactively address potential issues, optimize your distribution networks, and ultimately enhance your service delivery in the aftermarket segment.

In a world where agility and responsiveness are paramount, FreightFox is your partner in achieving unparalleled logistical visibility and operational excellence. Reach out to us today to discover how FreightFox can elevate your supply chain visibility and drive unparalleled efficiency in your aftermarket operations.

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